Saturday, November 28, 2009


I chatted with ST via MSN on Friday.

ST: Hi

Pegz: Hi

ST: What you doing tmrw?

Pegz: Going facial tmrw

Pegz: Y?

ST: Thought of asking you out, it has been a while

Pegz: Ok

ST: Ok, lets confirm tmrw

Pegz: Ok

So, what does "ok, let confirm tmrw" means? Yes, it means that we may or may not meet up. I am fine if he is busy. But isn't it basic courtesy to send sms or give a call to confirm? Afterall, he is the one who wants to meet me.

I am kinda pissed with this friend of mine as this is the 2nd time he is doing this. And whenever I told that I am not free to meet him, he will make sarcastic remarks like "wow, you are so popular, must book you so many weeks in advance". wtf!

To think that he actually ask me to recommend some of my girl friends to him, I am glad that I didn't. With such character, he better remain single for life!

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